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Top Personal Stylists earn clients for life by digitizing their closet and creating outfits, right on their phone

online personal styling Jul 30, 2024

The key to any successful personal styling business is repeat business from your clients - whether that's an annual update service, a monthly membership, an event dressing a-la-carte service or anything in between. 

Repeat business comes from happy clients who not only experience the incredible value of your service during and well beyond the service delivery but also see reasons to KEEP coming back to work with you.

This is called "stickiness" and it is now so easily achieved by using GoodPix with this new feature on your private client sites.

Here's how to earn and keep clients for life:

Step 1: Digitize your client's closet

Step 2: Make Looks out of their closet

Step 3: Invite your client to simply click on the hanger of the closet item to see her Looks!

You can coach your client to save her private style site to the home screen of her phone and you can even decide what your app looks like on her phone AND have all of your client sites live on your website for the ultimate branding and domain authority strategy. 




It's time to meet the demand for your expertise

I believe that your time is now. Never before have consumers craved personalized curation and styling from an expert like you, more than they do now. All you need is clarity on your offer, target market and marketing strategy plus modern technology and access to commissions. 

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